Wednesday, February 2, 2011

NO PAIN .... no LOSS.

Why didn't anyone say anything?

A few weeks ago I picked up a copy of Valley Of The Dolls.  The title sounded familiar to me.  I had heard it was controversial in its time, but I had no idea exactly why.  ???

Haa.  I found out on page # 110.

There were two films made after the book.  I just Netflixed the original.  Patty Duke, Sharon Tate .. and some actress I've never heard of!  I'm looking forward to seeing it despite the mere 2.5 stars rating. lol  I guess the screenplay for the second "remake" film was written by film critic, Roger Ebert.  It has a rating of NC-17.  Umm yeah, that's soft core porn folks ...

Anyway, one of the characters in the book, gets a "picture deal" and moves out west.  Hollywood.  She begins taking "little green pills" that kill her appetite.  ***Just FYI, "Dolls" is code for PILLS.   YIKES.

 What if Leeg was just a little, easy to swallow green pill and the side effects were, a great body, and improved emotional and physical well being?  If only it were that easy.  But I think if we reflect on our lives, most of the good things didn't come easily.  I have noticed that my running has become a bit monotonous.   My "life-coach" said something to me last night that, at the time he said it, caused me to roll my eyes, it was "push yourself harder!"   I did today.  I ditched the "rappod" and the head phones period.  I only watched the Food Network today and had to wonder what it was the chefs were saying.  When I was done with my usual run I went over to the bike and did a cycling workout.  I was sweaty and I could feel it and I could also hear those words .. "Push yourself harder!"

It can be frustrating starting a new workout plan, changing our diets darn near completely, and as the weeks go by it doesn't seem that all the hard work is making any difference.  I'm sure we've all heard that it takes longer for women to lose weight than men.  Statistically, most women quit their workouts do to frustration because of a lack of results.  The female body was designed to support life.  We (generally) carry more fat and our bodies are reluctant to give it up.  This is just one of the reasons why the food choices we make are so important ... our bodies, by design want to keep that fat, ya know .. just in case we have a little baby.  And when the hormone changes kick in ... well I've heard that's a doozy too.

I know it gets repetitive, and can be hard keeping ourselves motivated to go to the gym.  Enter cliche here ............. NO PAIN, NO GAIN.  Or in our case NO LOSS.  Sorry ladies and gents, there is no magical little green pill.  Not one that won't effff you up in the long run.

Next time you find yourself on that tready or elliptical and you are wanting to get off, repeat these words to yourself "PUSH YOURSELF HARDER" ... remind yourself of the other things you have done and accomplished in your life that were no small feat!  Graduations, giving birth, raising those babies, getting and keeping a good job, reconciling with a loved one, forgiveness, fixing the entire Thanksgiving meal .. alone ...... whatever it may be that you have done before, Leeg really isn't that much different.

I was thinking today while running about some of the things I have learned from my parents. (yeah, I know.)  I was thinking how my mom has been a great example of how to love somebody.  Despite all the bumps in the road she has always remained faithful, positive, and encouraging.  Believing in her children, when quite possibly she was the only one.  I thought how I hope to take that example and show those I care about the same kind of devotion.  So fellow Leegers, I believe in you, in myself.  We can reach our goals.  I know it in my bones.

1 comment:

  1. Great analogy with the "dolls." I hope this year we can fix Thanksgiving dinner together. ;)
