Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sugar...beware...cause it's every where!

I realized it has been a long time since I have posted, school has kept me really busy. I feel like I have no fun time any more. I knew this would happen as soon as school started but I am not happy about it. Plus this week I might be getting a 3rd job. I am a busy woman. So, my progress has been weird. My weight keeps fluctuating and it tends to get me down when the scale goes up. However, I am eating very healthy and working out 5-6 days a, I know that extra weight can't stick around for long. I have been really good lately about packing my own food and eating about every three hours. This has really helped me to not get super hungry and eat what ever is in front of me.
Now to get to the point of my post. I wanted to share a little trick when it comes to how to pick items and food not over run by sugar. If you are trying to watch what you eat and not eat any added sugar make sure you are reading the labels of the food you are eating. I know the best way is to just not eat any processed foods..but c'mon lets be real it's pretty much impossible not to pick up something that comes in a box or a can. A general rule I follow when reading the labels of the food that I am buying is: read the ingredients and if one of the first five ingredients is sugar, do NOT buy it. That means that sugar is one of the main ingredients and it's not good for you.
This quarter at school I am taking a health education class and we learned that MSG and high fructose corn syrup are ingredients that trick your body into still feeling hungry. NO BUENO!
So, I really just try to be aware of what I am eating. I am feeling good. Go me, Go Tam and Go Leeg!

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